Saturday, March 1, 2008

Asking Your Help

I know it's early yet in the life of this blog, and in the preparation for the 30th reunion. However, I'm hoping some of you may be able to help. From our last reunion, we remembered those in our class who have passed into the next life, through death. It is always sad to hear of those who will not be with us (in body) for reunions. While we celebrate together our friendships and memories 30 years hence, let us keep our old friends close to us in spirit.

I humbly ask for your help then, if you know of a classmate who has passed, please let me know that I can add their name to our list of sojourners. You may post here, or may elect to contact me via e-mail. I can be reached at cbiewer AT 4wbi DOT com (replacing AT with @ and DOT with .)

Thanks everybody!



Anthony Bykowski
Randy Diebitz
David Gibb
Michael Go
Joseph Haliburton
Jane Jansen Beres
Sharon Radliff
Jeff Ressler
Kristen Carlsen Rindfleisch
Kim Watson Vesco
Brian Wirth

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